bulletCounseling Services

The Counseling/Guidance Program in Canton High School is available to all students.  The three components of the program are academic, career and personal/social counseling.

Academic counseling involves encouraging all students to enhance their academic achievements enabling them to have all opportunities available upon graduation.  This includes: aiding them with study skills; helping them with class registration; informing students of graduation requirements; working with them on their post-high school planning; coordinating state-mandated testing; providing materials for post-secondary education admission testing; providing financial aid information.

Career counseling involves providing students with information and resources to help them ascertain their interests, abilities and relate them to careers.  Sophomores take the state-mandated Career Assessment Program.  This information helps them identify career clusters which match their interests/abilities to aid them in choosing high school classes.  In English 2, with the aid of the counselor, sophomores do a career research on two careers of their choice.  Juniors, again, look at  their aptitudes/interests by taking the ASVAB and/or PSAT test and an interest inventory.  The counselor follows up with individual conferences providing information on careers and post-secondary education.  During their senior year, the planning becomes more specific.  The counselor has several group presentations on scholarships, financial aid etc.

Personal/social counseling is available to all students either by self referrals or by staff or parents.  Individual or group sessions are provided to help develop self-understanding, self-awareness, decision making, solving interpersonal problems, dealing with personal and family crisis. All sessions are confidential.